How to Fix Your Common PC Problems?

There are number of possible errors that a computer system can have, from a non-ending list of error messages to the various hardware and software failures. Most of these errors may be because of a few issues. A number of errors are those errors that are seen very rarely. However, there are large numbers of errors that are seen by most of the computer users. These errors can collectively be known as common PC problems. Today I will like to talk about how to fix your PC problems you have to deal with most of the time:

1.       PC won’t Start up:
One of the most commonly seen errors is “PC not starting up.” You start your computer and nothing happens. Now you need to check your computer’s power cable first. If the power cable is fine, then you need to investigate your system power supply. If the system motherboard is not giving display then 90 percent chances that your power supply is not working fine. If the power supply is working fine, then open your computer’s case and take the memory out. Clean it and again plug into your system’s motherboard. Hopefully, the system will start if there is not a major hardware failure.

2.       Blue screen of Death (BSOD):
The worst computer problem which every computer user has to deal with is the “Blue screen of death (BSOD)”. A number of factors could be a possible reason of blue screen of death. All you do when a blue screen of death or stop error comes is you have to reboot your computer. The possible reasons behind blue screen of death could be corrupt DLL files, problems with device drivers or damage software. The solution of stop error depends on the identification of the original problem. Stop error screen provides you an error code, which is very important in the identification and fixing of your computer problem.

3.       Missing DLL files:
Dynamic Link library files have information for your operating system on how to perform a specific task. When a dll file gets corrupt then error messages are start to appear “Error DLL file is missing” application is unable to start. The solution to this problem is to get the corrupt dll file from the internet or reinstall the application that is giving the error messages.


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