-Install Irc client.(Like Mirc,I am using Mirc v6.21)
Step 2:
-After installation is done, Set up Mirc for downloading.
-click “tools” >> “options”.
-In “connect” category type your ‘name’, ‘email address’, ‘nickname’ and ‘ alternative’
-In “DCC” category set your ‘on send request to ‘auto-get file’ and ‘minimize’.
-In "DCC">> "Ignore",under Method, choose disabled.
Step 3:
-A lot of anime irc channels are using "irc.rizon.net" so we are going to connect this channel.
-To connect to a server, you type "/server irc.rizon.net"
Step 4:
-Now,we are in the channel and we must register our nick.
-Register your nick with the NickServ. Remember to use a valid e-mail, you will need it for the confirm code.
-Type "/msg NickServ REGISTER password email"
-Check your e-mail for the confimation e-mail. Then type "/msg NickServ confirm KEY"
-For idenditf "/msg NickServ IDENTIFY password"
Step 5:
-Join the any anime fansub irc channel,i am going to join Anime-Supreme.
-Type "/join #Anime-Supreme"
Step 6:
-Now we are in the channel type "!list"
-You will then see a lot of adds scrolling down the screen.These are downloadable bots and fservers. (see screenshot below for example)
-I choose this:
-[a-S]Anime-Supreme-HD- ( XDCC ) Packs: ( 1320 ) 7,1(For Listing type /msg [a-S]Anime-Supreme-HD !blist and don't forget to delete your old botlisting first) Sends: ( 4/30 ) Queues: ( 3/1000 )
Step 7
-Then type "/msg [a-S]Anime-Supreme-HD !blist" and Your download is going to start.
-After get the xdcc file list,press open.
Step 8:
-The last step is choosing what file you want to download.
-To request a file, type “/msg [bot-name] xdcc send #x“, where x is the number of the file you want to download, and then the download process begin. Happy downloading..
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