Click Next.
Choose installation location.
Debate whether you'd like a desktop icon or not.. (it's quite shiny).
Review your installation choices.
Choose whether you want magnetic links and .torrent file associations (whether firefox will use qBitorrent as a default executor of .torrent files).
Agree you won't download anything illegal.
Allow qBitorrent through your firewall if you are prompted.
If you selected no to magnetic linking and .torrent file association you'll be promoted again.
Here's the main screen in all it's glory.
Go to Tools > Options then click the Downloads tab. Choose where you want your files to go. You can also set "watch folders", or places qBittorrent will look for new .torrent files put in them and automagically add them to the client for downloading.
Click the Connection tab. Set your incoming connections port. If you are manually port forwarding you can disable "Enable UPnP port mapping" and "Enable NAT-PMP port mapping.
Set your glocal max connections etc to appropriate values.
Click the Speed tab. Set your global speed limits to 80% of your max upload/download etc. You can set speed limits for certain times of the day as well.
Click on the Bittorrent tab. Disable "Enable DHT network (decentralized)", "Enable Peer Exchange / PEX (requires restart)" and "Enable Local Peer Discovery".
Set your torrent queues if you wish to have them. Make sure "Seed torrents until their ratio reaches X" is disabled as well.
Enable the WebUI If you wish to use it.
Click on the Advanced tab. Enable "Include TCP/IP overhead in transfer limits" to keep your network under the 80% cap you set earlier. Not enabling this will allow qBittorent to use more than 80% of the bandwidth even though you've told it not to.
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