Pause the video to capture your screenshot.
Closeups of well-lit faces during little or no movement will produce the best possible screenshot.
Including shots of fast movement and/or dark scenes provide the complete range of the video quality.
Only PNG file format is lossless, meaning it will preserve the full quality of your video.
JPG is lossy, screenshots saved in this format will not reflect the true quality of your video.
BMP can be converted to PNG in several image programs such as MSPaint, Irfanview, or Photoshop.
*To be a native resolution screenshot it must be unzoomed, uncropped, and saved in .png format*
Adding Screenshots to Torrent Descriptions:
Go to your favorite hosting site, such as imgur, photobucket, or bayimg (uncensored) and upload your image. To get the image into your torrent description use bbcode tags along with the url of the image. It should look like this:
Don't directly link to an image from another site, only image hosting sites. That is hotlinking and sites will remove it or replace it with something shocking or embarrassing.
Media Player Directions:
VLC recommended
VLC has to be configured for taking screenshots the first time you use it:
Go to Tools > Preferences > Video
The bottom section is Video Snapshots:
choose your save directory
select png format
To take a screenshot during video play:
right click and select Video > Snapshot
go to Video > Snapshot on the menu bar
VirtualDubMod recommended
Go to the Video menu > Snapshot source frame.
A save dialog will pop up, choose the .png format
Windows Media Player
Press Ctrl + i and a save dialog will pop up.
Select .bmp format and choose where to save it.
Add the commandline option: -vf screenshot
While the video is playing, press "s" to take a screenshot.
Media Player Classic
Go to the "File" Menu -> "Save Image..."
Choose the .bmp file format and where to save it.
If it doesn't work right, try this option first:
Go to the "View" Menu -> Options -> Playback: Output -> select the "VMR7 (windowed)" option. Then restart MPC.
Open the movie (select "all supported video files" or "*.*" for the file type).
Find a good spot to make a screen shot then right-click, "copy" (or use the little menu next to play).
Next select Edit Menu > Paste
File Menu > Save As
Right click and select Options > Capture Frame
or just press "P"
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